Things to Look Out for When Rebuilding your Website

Things to Look Out for When Rebuilding your Website

Time to rebuild your website, but already invested heavily in your current one? Don’t let all that hard work go to waste.

All those hours of hard work, planning, content creation and SEO data don’t need to go to waste – read below to see what you can keep – and how to retain as much of your previous efforts when recreating your online experience.

1. Retaining your existing link and URL structure.

Is your website address mentioned anywhere else on the web? A quick search here will tell you how many links you currently have – which is great to know! Off the back of this, high-quality links through to your website are great for your rankings within Google. Generally speaking, a decent number of high-quality links + a well-optimised website with good content will equal decent Google rankings.

When rebuilding your website, be sure to retain your existing URL structure, and not to change the address of any pages you wish to recreate on the new site. The last thing you want is to have any of these external links now steering people to a non-existent page!

Off the back of this, any existing promotions you are running may be steering to one or more of these pages, so retaining your existing structure will avoid the need to re-do all of your promotions or printed material relating to these URLs. Lastly, if changing hosting or domain providers, if you have an SSL (the https:// prefix to your website address), you’ll need to ensure that this carries through to the new site also.

2. What integrations and custom features do you currently use?

Clarity on any integrations you have on your site (customer databases, payment facilities, data and analytics tools, marketing tools etc) is hugely important. You’ll need to ensure that they are able to be migrated and that the transition will run smoothly throughout the crossover. Too many times we’ve seen people lose data throughout this process, so expert care must be taken to ensure you are protected!

3. Retain the best bits of your content – and improve upon the rest!

Usually, a lot of time, effort and energy has gone into the images,  copy (wording), and video content on your website. Although a rebuild is a perfect time to consider improving upon some of this, as much as possible should be retained for reuse on the existing site. Even if you have an extensive blog and many pages that date back many years – you’ll ideally want to migrate as much as possible of the quality content that is still relevant over to your new site. Also – throughout this process, you’ll need to ensure that all SEO data related to any images and video on your site is also retained.

A Little Planning Goes a Long Way!

Rebuilding your site can be a daunting task – however, if you team up with a quality team containing the people and processes to make it a breeze – you’ll soon be in an entirely new situation and never looking back. Your website is a visual representation of your physical business, therefore you need to ensure that you are being accurately perceived in the online space. Flow has been involved with over 50+ projects in the past three years, which has given us the insight to create great experiences throughout the build process and for the end user that will engage with your site. Contact us on the details below when you are ready to discuss further.

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