An Introductory Guide to Keyword Match Types

An Introductory Guide to Keyword Match Types

Keyword match types are search parameters put around your keywords within Google Ads, to control which search queries trigger your ads to appear. To be able to use Adwords effectively, keyword match types need to be utilised correctly.

Broad Match

Within your Google Ads account, when you enter any keywords search phrase, it will be placed as a broad match keyword match type by default. Broad match keywords have no symbols next to them; meaning the person managing your Google Ads account would put in your keywords exactly as they appear. For example, if your keyword is furniture items, you would enter this keyword exactly as it’s written, with no symbols (+,”, or [ ]) added.

Just entering your keyword doesn’t mean your ad is going to show up each time someone searches Google for your keyword. With a Broad Match keyword match type, your ad may show up in a lot of different search queries.

With this match type, your ad may show up when someone searches for ‘furniture accessories’ or’ ‘furniture parts.’ Your ad may even show up when someone searches for a slightly unrelated search term such as ‘furniture for dogs. While using Broad Match as your keyword type can be useful in getting lots of clicks on your ad, a lot of that traffic may be redundant – which is why we tend to focus moreso on a blend of the following three match types, broad match modifier, phrase match, and exact match.

+Broad Match Modifier (BMM)

Broad match modifier keywords work when a ‘+’ is added to the particular word, by doing this, you are telling Google that you only want your ad to show when that word appears in someone’s search query.

Using our keyword example from earlier, if we were to modify the keyword to +furniture items, we’re now telling google that the word furniture must be included in the search query for the ad to appear. As the word ‘items’ is still broad, your ad still may show up in similar search queries such as ‘furniture bits or ‘furniture pieces’, for example. Using BMM is a great way to increase qualified traffic to your ad. 

“Phrase Match”

Phrase match keyword match type is another great way to get more qualified traffic for your ad. Your ad will show up when someone types in the exact phrase that matches the keywords you’ve selected. Using our example of ‘furniture items’ again, if someone searches for that term in Google, your ad will show up. 

Your ad will also show up if there are additional words in the search query. So, if someone searches ‘blue furniture items,’ then your ad will show up as it’s a similar phrase to your original keyword.

[Exact Match]

Exact Match keyword match types mean that your ad will appear when someone searches for the exact keyword phrase you’ve targeted. Your ad will also appear when close variations of that search term are searched. 

Using furniture items as an example again, if someone searches for ‘items of furniture,’ then your ad will likely show up as the query is similar to your keyword, and the search intent of the user is a close variation from your keyword. Having a decent number of exact match keywords is a great way to ensure you’re only paying for the most applicable searches that users are wanting to click on. If you need help running your Google Ads – give us a bell!

– Flow Marketing NZ

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